December 2021                       Click image for webinar video

Policing Inclusively in the UK with Cultural Intelligence – Speaker Biographies

Policing Inclusively in the UK with Cultural Intelligence (CQ®)

Cultural Intelligence (CQ) and Inclusive Leadership are playing an emerging role in creating better relationships between the police and the communities they serve.  With the police under immense scrutiny following several high profile cases and faced with unprecedented challenges driven by the pandemic and its multifarious demands on the public realm, the time for introducing new and proven approaches to policing is very much upon us.

Above Difference brought together an expert panel of speakers to discuss their ground-breaking work in responding to some of these challenges using the principles and practice of CQ and Inclusive Leadership.

You will hear about change on the ground from Avon & Somerset who were the first police force to commission Above Difference, alongside discussion of organisational development and increasing diversity in senior leadership as well as an international perspective.