Transforming Cultures, Changing Behaviours, and Engaging Communities with Cultural Intelligence

Early Bird Standard Ticket Price: £345 per person

We are Giving You the How

As a leader, how do you confront and eradicate toxic cultures that perpetuate racism, sexism, misogyny, and other forms of discrimination — while simultaneously fostering engagement, healing, and transformation within your team?

How do you, as a leader, boldly and safely challenge behaviours and mindsets that marginalise others, leaving them feeling undervalued, unseen, and unheard?

What strategies do you employ to lead, connect, and engage authentically with communities and groups that are different from your own?

Our Beliefs at Above Difference

At Above Difference, we hold the following principles close to our mission:

  • Great leaders lead all their people well, regardless of their backgrounds or identities.
  • Every individual deserves to be led with excellence, fairness and equity.
  • Inclusion has to be about everyone or it becomes about no-one.
  • All things rise and fall with leadership(Maxwell) including Inclusion. Inclusion is fundamentally a leadership challenge.
  • Leaders must be culturally intelligent, value-driven, and intentionally inclusive to create and sustain an environment where inclusion and diversity don’t just survive they thrive.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower leaders and managers with the skills, knowledge, and capabilities to transform the cultures of their teams and organizations, ensuring that every individual is led well. Over 6000 leaders across the public and community sectors have already benefited from our award-winning program, “Leading and Engaging with Cultural Intelligence.”

This unique one-day learning event offers you and your team a chance to engage with the same powerful tools that have transformed organizations. Discover why one Chief Constable described us as the “X-Factor of Culture Change.”

A Unique Learning Event

Who Should Attend?

If you are leading services, teams or organisations across the public or community sector then this is for you but don’t come alone, bring some members of your team. Book a group or table and learn together. Also come if you are a:

  • HR Business partner/Director
  • Director of People
  • EDI Lead/Director
  • Chair/CEO
  • Board member
  • An EDI/Inclusion Leadership Consultant

This isn’t a traditional conference, you won’t get to just sit and listen, you will be seated at a table with other professionals, there will be table talks, case studies, exercises and discussions. You will get to build a toolbox of things you can take back to your organisation. Most importantly you will get to hear from Jennifer Izekor CEO and Founder of the Award winning Above Difference and Dr David Livermore author and leading authority on Cultural Intelligence.

Our Inspirational Educators

Jennifer Izekor, CEO and Founder of the Award winning Above Difference

“Above Difference is the X-Factor when it comes to enabling your thinking if you are trying to influence an organisational, cultural change.”


Dr David Livermore, author and leading authority on Cultural Intelligence

“For those leaders who want to succeed in today’s increasingly global and interdependent environment, Leading with Cultural Intelligence is for you. Now, more than ever, applying this four-step cycle will prepare you for tomorrow’s world.”

Paul Polman, Chief Executive Officer, Unilever

Booking info

Book With Us Directly

Simply click on the button below, fill in the brief form and we will get in touch with you to discuss how you can secure a place for yourself or colleagues. If you are a public sector employee we are able to issue invoices and your place will be confirmed once we receive a Purchase Order Number

Booking With a Card

Simply click on the link below and book your tickets through the dedicated Eventbrite page.