May 2020
Leading for Inclusion with Cultural Intelligence (CQ®) Post COVID 19
The impacts of the COVID-19 crisis are not uniform across ethnic groups, and aggregating all minorities together misses important differences. Understanding why these differences exist is crucial for thinking about the role policy can play in addressing inequalities. IFS May 2020
As the UK makes it way out of the COVID-19 Crisis there are specific challenges for leaders who are developing and implementing policies and strategies across diverse communities and organisations.
This on-demand webinar brings together a panel who are pioneers of Culturally Intelligent and Inclusive leadership in their fields. The President of the Cultural Intelligence Center USA and leaders from within the UK Public Sector including Policing, Government and the Health Sector.
Jennifer Izekor, Founder Above Difference
David Livermore, PHD. President; The Cultural Intelligence Center
Rob Neil, OBE
Supt. Andy Bennett
Dr. Joan Myers, OBE, RCN Council Member
Lynne Spencer, Director of Corporate Affairs. Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch
The unique combination of Cultural Intelligence (CQ) and Inclusive Leadership offers a new, innovative approach to the inclusion agenda that is rooted in academic research and based on a clear framework.
At Above Difference, we equip leaders and organisations to move from ‘managing diversity’ to ‘leading for inclusion’. By developing CQ and Inclusive Leadership styles in individuals and organisations, we develop individual’s ability to decisively and intentionally create inclusive workplace cultures where diversity is recognised as one of the organisations greatest assets and all cultures are valued and respected.
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