We are the leading provider of Cultural Intelligence (CQ) and Inclusive leadership programmes and organisational development support to the Public Sector in the United Kingdom. Above Difference Limited is the only strategic partner of the Cultural Intelligence Center, Michigan US.
The Cultural Intelligence Center owns the trademark to Cultural Intelligence (CQ®); therefore, the Cultural Intelligence Center and its licensed partners (e.g., Above Difference) are the only ones authorised to administer and use the CQ Assessments. The CQ® Assessments are the only academically valid measurement of cultural intelligence in the world.
Above Difference, works with public-facing organisations to develop Culturally Intelligent leaders and teams that create and sustain inclusive, diverse, and compassionate workplaces and deliver better outcomes for communities.
We deliver customised programmes designed around the needs of the UK public sector. Above Difference believes that single stand-alone ‘diversity training programmes’ do not change or modify behaviour or attitudes, around diversity and inclusion. We believe in an approach that combines training with a range of flexible measures designed to deliver sustainable learning and develop resilience and leadership capacity for change within organisations. We focus specifically on working with leaders in organisations because we recognise that leaders define organisational culture. We believe that Culturally Intelligent and Inclusive Leaders facilitate and create culturally intelligent, compassionate, and inclusive workplaces.
Our combined Cultural Intelligence and Inclusive Leadership approach is unique to Above Difference. It draws on a solution-focused model that supports our clients to build Culturally Intelligent organisations where everyone feels valued and empowered to achieve their full potential as employees and receive the best service irrespective of their background as patients, families, and stakeholders.
Everything Rises and Falls With Leadership
John. C. Maxwell
Listen to Dave Livermore PH.D and President of the Cultural Intelligence Center USA.
At Above Difference, we believe that leaders play a vital role in defining and setting any organisation’s culture. Recent events have highlighted the need for organisations to become more inclusive, compassionate, and understanding about the experiences of people from ‘other’ backgrounds and cultures who work with and for them or engage with their services.
The need goes beyond understanding; it is about empowering and enabling leaders at all levels within the organisation to recognise the key and vital role they play in determining how their teams, departments, organisations, and boardrooms feel to people who are different. The focus is moving away from leaders concerned about how their organisations look to those who understand the importance of how they feel. Are you leading an organisation, team, department where everyone feels welcomed, valued, and able to achieve their full potential? Does your staff survey highlight that some staff feel more bullied, harassed, misunderstood?
Do you understand how culture shapes the way you relate to difference and will shape the way people in your team and department behave?
This unique programme is built on the robust theoretical and research-based Cultural Intelligence (CQ) model and draws in principles of Inclusive leadership. Participants will be encouraged to deepen their understanding of culture, cultural values while exploring how their personal leadership style is shaped and influenced by culture. The CQ Model explained by Dave Livermore above helps leaders understand how to become more proactive and courageous in their leadership of the Inclusion agenda using their position to leverage diversity for the best possible outcomes for staff, customers, and stakeholders
What is the ROI for individuals and organisations? According to the CQ Center, Research reveals promising outcomes for individuals with enhanced CQ. These findings are very relevant to the UK Public Sector as leaders seek to create compassionate and inclusive workplace cultures where staff from all backgrounds feel valued and included.
CQ is a consistent predictor of how leaders adjust in multicultural settings (e.g., the ability to work, lead, and adapt to an environment where the assumptions, values, and traditions differ from their own. This is particularly important for leaders leading teams, departments, and organisations where there is considerable visible and invisible diversity. Individuals who develop their CQ are less likely to experience burnout from intercultural work and teams.
CQ predicts one’s ability to assess a situation in a culturally diverse situation and make effective decisions that reflect the workforce’s diverse needs. This is particularly important for leaders making decisions about performance, disciplinary’s, and challenging situations where individuals from diverse backgrounds are concerned.
CQ predicts an individual’s overall job performance in culturally diverse situations. This includes leading a multicultural team to accomplish a shared goal and strategically managing the diversity in teams and organisations. The research on performance-oriented outcomes related to high CQ is extensive, including effective communication, leadership development, and partnership development. A few of the areas of performance predicted based upon CQ include:
For more information, Please contact Jennifer.izekor@abovedifference.com
The unique combination of Cultural Intelligence (CQ) and Inclusive Leadership offers a new, innovative approach to the inclusion agenda that is rooted in academic research and based on a clear framework.
At Above Difference, we equip leaders and organisations to move from ‘managing diversity’ to ‘leading for inclusion’. By developing CQ and Inclusive Leadership styles in individuals and organisations, we develop individual’s ability to decisively and intentionally create inclusive workplace cultures where diversity is recognised as one of the organisations greatest assets and all cultures are valued and respected.
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